* * * NA NET CHICAGO * * *
( General Overview & Instructions, January,1994 )
Welcome to NA NET CHICAGO!! For many years, people in various cities of this country have envisioned a powerful networking service that could assist local spiritual and New Age individuals and organizations to be aware of many of the resources and contacts that exist in their area. Now, for the first time in Chicago this exciting and powerful service is available for you for FREE.
The purpose of NA Net Chicago is to provide a simple system utilizing a personal computer that will allow any individual, business or organization to instantly be aware of the New Age resources and activities that exist throughout Chicago and the surrounding area. Thus, you will now have a place that you can immediately consult to find exactly the type of New Age contacts you would like to interact with whether they are Spiritual - Metaphysical - Holistic groups, products, services or individuals interested in your respective activities and services.
In the current chain of events in our world, as many things are changing quickly, we believe it is of the utmost importance for us to come together and help each other. This system provides one form of opportunity to manifest incredible connections that can result in a tremendous upliftment of our community. Also, since many people desire some form of privacy, we have built into our system a permission capability so that we may only share the information that each person / organization so desires to be shared.
Once we have set up this system in a few cities, we will use the existing technologies to link one city to another city electronically. At this point we will also be able to offer expanded services such as electronic mail (message and letters sent to others in your area or other cities) and bulletin boards (a place to store announcements of activities). In addition, we will allow people who own their own personal computers to link into the network and directly receive the information they desire. This capability is not present in the current version of the computer network.
This official Network Entry Form allows any group or individual who is intrigued by our New Age Network to enter information about their organization. At this early stage of development, there is no charge. It is absolutely FREE for you to place your information into NA NET Chicago. Once the system becomes fully operational, in appreciation for all the people and organizations who supported us at this early stage, we will offer a free one year membership to continue to be listed within the Network. After we have received entry forms from the first 500 individuals or organizations who join the Network, a membership fee will be charged (we will keep this membership fee as reasonable as possible). We will be placing ads in local new age publications to announce this service as well as providing Entry and Request Forms at local New Age centers, for easy accessibility to enter into our system.
HOW DOES NA NET CHICAGO WORK? First, we enter into the computer all the information we have collected from the network entry forms. Next, as we begin to receive specific requests for listings of our members, our system is able to quickly respond and generate a printout of names (in a list or labels) who exactly match the criteria of these requests. The printed lists can give to the requester a detailed description of what each member is currently involved with and an address and/or phone number. Instead of the painstaking time it takes to look through telephone yellow pages (which generally do not list many New Age contacts) or traveling to many places, you will have the ability to find the exact and most up to date local resources that you seek now!!
Intro - Page 1
THE NETWORK ENTRY FORM( Please remember while you are filling out this form that you do not have to fill in all sections. Only share the information about yourself (your organization or you personally) which you wish to communicate with other people. }
The first page gives a potential member the opportunity to share how others may contact them. The remaining part of this page allows you to describe yourself or your organization in your own words. It is very important in the Contact Description Sections to give a concise and distinct description of what types of activities you or your organization offer to the local community. Below is an example of how one could describe their activities, or products and services they offer:
We are a local New Age Center. We offer classes, workshops and seminars on a broad range of metaphysical subjects including Astrology, Numerology, Psychic Development, etc ... We also offer a monthly meditation and sell New Age books and tapes.
The Second and Third Page of this form permit each member to share what types of New Age subjects are related to the products & services they offer to the community or, conversely, what types of New Age contacts they are seeking (example: Organizations - looking for individuals to help create or participate in new programs; Individuals - what type of contacts or future events would they like to know about). There are Thirteen major categories listed on these pages, some of which are further broken down into sub-categories. Please read the instructions carefully on page 2 to indicate which categories are special for you. Also, if our system does not have a New Age category that is relevant in your case, we have also included a miscellaneous category. The Permission Section on page 3 indicates what type of contact information we may share with others who wish to contact you. On the Fourth Page of this form we have included a short definition of each major category and a few sub-categories if you are unsure what types of information should be included in each category.
Therefore, based on the information we are collecting in this form, our system will allow matches to be made to your requests by: the descriptions written in the Contact Description Section; by the geographic location of a member; by the categories a member has selected or any combination of these methods. We have done our best to capture the essence of each potential listee through the questions and categories we pose in this form.
Additional entry forms may be obtained through some of the local New Age centers or holistic foodstores near you, or please feel free to make your own copies of this form. We are seeking others to help us to distribute this form in as many locations as possible. If you would rather receive this form through the mail, please feel free to write to our address listed at the bottom of 'Page-3' of this Network Form and send a SASE (self addressed envelope). You will need to place a 29 cent stamp for the first copy of the form and another 19 cents for each additional copy.
When you have completed this entry form, please mail it to our address at NA NET Chicago. Once the New Age Network System is operational, there will be a charge of $1.50 (please do not send any money now, wait until the system is operational) for each normal request (a normal request is up to a maximum of 4 printed pages and can include from 12-150 contacts depending on the exact details you wish printed about the members selected). For any larger requests we will work on a case-by-case basis. As this system expands, and our membership officially begins, we will begin to offer this service by telephone so members can call in for their requests. If you wish to receive a copy of the official NA NET Chicago Request Form, please send a SASE to us at anytime and as soon as we are up and running, we will immediately send out your requested list.
We look forward to serving you and the Chicago area ...........
NA NET Chicago
Intro - Page 2
CONTACT PERSON: _________________________________ORGANIZATION NAME: _______________________________
STREET ADDRESS: _________________________________
CITY: ______________ / STATE: ___ / ZIPCODE: ______
PHONE (DAY): (_____)____________
PHONE (EVE)/FAX*: (_____)____________{ * - Two versions of the Network Entry Form, either use evening phone or fax phone number }
CONTACT DESCRIPTIONS { Directions: You have space for about 40-60 words under each heading. It is very important that you use the most descriptive terms to describe yourself or Organization as other contacts who desire to know more about you will be deciding based on these words. }
New Age Products/Services You Offer:
New Age Products, Services or other Contacts You Seek:
Personal Visions, Dreams, Future Projects or Goals:
Professional Experience, or Personal / Organizational Background:
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* * * NA NET CHICAGO * * *
NAME/ORGANIZATION ______________________________
{ Directions: The next two pages represent categories which you are affiliated with. For those categories which are products and services that you or your organization offer to the local community, place an 'X' in the box next to the category ([ X ]). For those categories that you are seeking to make new contacts or desire to find other resources, circle the box next to the category. You are allowed a maximum of ten categories you offer and ten categories you seek. Lastly, the codes next to each category indicate if the category is a Product (P) or Service (S) or both (P/S). }
---------------------------------- { The following sub-categories encompass a wide range of subjects and services within each, please make sure that the appropriate Contact Description Section(s) are fully completed on page 1 }*** BOOKS, TAPES, PUBLICATIONS ***
[ ] Bookstores(P) [ ] Literary Agents(S)
[ ] Publishers(S) [ ] Tapes - Audio/Video(P/S)
[ ] Advertising(S) [ ] Computers(P/S)
[ ] Desktop Publishing(S) [ ] Graphic Art(S)
[ ] Interpreters & Translators(S) [ ] Marketing & Promotion(P/S)
[ ] Production/Producers(S) [ ] Prof. Editing & Writing(S)
[ ] Public Relations(S) [ ] Recording Servs.(S)
[ ] Video Servs.(S)
[ ]Art (Visionary)(P/S) [ ]Dance & Movement(S)
[ ]Entertainment(P/S) [ ]Movies & Films(P/S)
[ ]Music/Musicians(P/S) [ ]Producer/Promotion(S)
[ ]Radio/TV Programming(S)
[ ]Ecology(P/S) [ ]Peace (Organizations)(P/S)
[ ]Addiction Treatment(S) [ ]Children Counseling & Services(S)
[ ]Death & Dying(S) [ ]Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy(P/S)
[ ]Neuro-Linguistic Progrmg.(S) [ ]Pregnancy/Midwife(S)
[ ]Psychology(S) [ ]Stress Management(S)
[ ]Martial Arts & Self Defense(S) [ ]Sports(P/S)
[ ]Tai Chi(S) [ ]Yoga(S)
[ ]Health Food Stores(P) [ ]Macrobiotics(P/S)
[ ]Nutritional Counselng(S) [ ]Organic Foods(P) [ ]Sprouts(P)
[ ]Vegetarianism(P/S) [ ]Vitamins & Minerals(P/S)
[ ]Career Development(S) [ ]Health Spas, Retreats & Travel(S)
[ ]Classes, Meetings, Seminars,Workshops, Special Events(S)
[ ]Schools & Universities(S)
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* * * NA NET CHICAGO * * *
NAME/ORGANIZATION ______________________________
[ ]Aids Resources(S) [] Acupressure/Acupuncture(S)
[ ]Aromatherapy(P/S) [ ]Chiropractic(S)
[ ]Cancer Resources(P/S) [ ]Colon Therapy(S) [ ]Flotation(S)
[ ]Flower & Gem Essence(P) [ ]Herbology(P/S)
[ ]Holistic Centers(P/S) [ ]Holistic Practitioners(S)
[ ]Holistic Teachers(S) [ ]Holistic Therapies(P/S)*
[ ]Massage(P/S) [ ]Optometrists(P/S)
[ ]Oriental Medicine(P/S) [ ]Physicians/MDs.(S)
[ ]Products,Tools & Gifts(P) [ ]Sound & Color Healing(P/S)
Name of Miscellaneous Category (OFFERED):
______________________________________________Name of Miscellaneous Category (SEEKING):
[ ]Directories(P) [ ]Mailing Lists(P)
[ ]Networks/Networkers(S) [ ]Referral Services(S)
[ ]Channeling (Trance)(S) [ ]Crystals & Gemstones(P/S)
[ ]Dolphins(P) [ ]Dreamwork(S) [ ]Ghost/Poltergeists(P/S)
[ ]Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy(S) [ ]Kirlian Photography(S)
[ ]Meditation(S) [ ]Metaphysical Readings w/Tools(P/S)**
[ ]Metaphysical/Spiritual Teachers(S)
[ ]New Age/Spiritual Centers & Organizations(P/S)
[ ]Out of Body/Astral Travel(P/S)
[ ]Past Life Regression / Reincarnation(P/S)
[ ]Products,Tools & Gifts(P)
[ ]Psychic/Spiritual Counselings/Readings(S)
[ ]Psychic Development(P/S) [ ]UFOs(P/S)
[ ]Buddhism(P/S) [ ]Eastern Philosophies(P/S)
[ ]Hinduism(P/S) [ ]Huna(P/S) [ ]New Age(P/S)
[ ]Native American(P/S) [ ]Shamanism(P/S) [ ]Sufis(P/S)
[ ]Wicca/Pagan(P/S) [ ]Zen(P/S)
The following two special sub-categories cover several related fields and thus it is very important to explicitly explain your connection with these sub-categories in the Contact Description areas (Page 1):
* - Holistic Therapies include: Biofeedback; Energy Balancing; Feldenkrais; Homeopathy; Iridology; Polarity; Therapy; Rebirthing; Reflexology; Reichian therapy; Reiki; Rolfing, Shiatsu or other miscellaneous related service.
** - Metaphysical Readings with Tools includes: Astrology, Numerology, Palmistry, Tarot or other miscellaneous related service.
( Please check what information we may share with others who wish to know your organization }
MAIL TO: NA NET CHICAGO, C/O 9324 Home Court, Des Plaines, IL 60016 OR CALL: Joshua Shapiro, (847) 699-8240 Are You Interested in Being Involved with: ( ) A Directory ( ) Trading Services
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* * * NA NET CHICAGO * * *
(Below is a short definition of each major category in our networking system. Also listed under each title of the major categories may be additional definitions of some sub-categories which could be unclear. )
This category is for services related to sales of books, audio or video tapes or publishers of books, tapes or videos.BUSINESS SERVICES
Business Services include products or services related to the operation of a Business.
- Marktng & Promotion - Members who provide marketing services and assistance in promoting your products/services.
- Production/Producers - Producers of Special Events or Promotional Events
- Public Relations - Public Relations Services with many local media contacts
Creative Arts includes products or services related to the arts, music, movies, dance, entertainment, etc ...
- Entertainment - Public Events offered for the purpose of entertainment that is not covered by other sub-categories
- Producer / Promotion - Production or Promotion of Creative Events/Products.
This category covers products and services related to the ecology, our environment or Peace.FITNESS & SPORTS
Fitness & Sports includes contacts of people/organizations who offer services for physical fitness, body conditioning or sport activities.FAMILY & PERSONAL SERVICES
This category deals with psychological services for children, the family, personal counseling or related issues.FOOD & NUTRITION
Food & Nutrition covers all categories related to good eating, suppliers of healthy foods and nutritional counseling.GENERAL CATEGORIES
Each sub-category below is comprised of a generalized subject area, please define these sub-categories very precisely in the Contact Description Sections on Page 1.
- Career Development - All services which assist in training people for better jobs.
- Classes, Meetings, Seminars, Workshops, Special Events - This category contains contacts who offer local classes, meetings, seminars, workshops or special events.
- Health Spas, Retreats & Travel - In this category, are listed health spas, holistic retreat centers and companies which offer metaphysical tours of sacred/ancient sites.
- Schools & Universities - This category lists the services offered by local colleges, schools (specialized) or universities.
This category covers all products and services related to health especially focusing upon alternative or holistic practices.
- Aromatherapy - Healing the body through the use of the aroma or smell of certain medicinal ingredients or herbs.
- Products, Tools & Gifts - Any Products, Holistic Tools or Gifts which help in healing the body or improve your health.
- Sound & Color Healing - The application of Sound/Music by itself or in tandem with Color(ed lights) to balance the energy of the body.
This is a catchall category in case the particular product, service or interest (hobby) that you offer or seek is not listed in our comprehensive list. You may list one new category for both criteria of categories.NETWORKING
Networking deals with products or services that assist people locally to connect with various New Age resources.PSYCHIC & METAPHYSICS
This category covers most products and services of a Psychic or Metaphysical nature which includes subject areas that deal with one's inner awareness, metaphysical studies or contact with the spiritual realms.
- Channeling (Trance) - individuals who go into an alternate consciousness or allow another spirit to speak through them to offer personal guidance and information.
- Products, Tools, Gifts - Metaphysical Products, Tools or Gifts which assist one in their spiritual unfoldment.
- Psychic/Spirtual Counselings/Readings - People who offer psychic/spiritual counseling or a life reading using their own natural psychic/spiritual gifts.
This category describes the services offered by various spiritual religions or philosophical societies. There is a difference between metaphysical and spiritual philosophies in that these beliefs are more focused upon a specific philosophy of life.
- Eastern Philosophies - Philosophies of Eastern Europe and Asia that are not specifically listed in other categories.
- Shamanism - Many World religions seek the guidance of an advanced teacher who has experienced the spirit world. They are called Shamans or Medicine Men. They respect and travel within the inner realms of nature.
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Journeys Chapter 2 | Journeys Home Page |
Part IV The Potential of Networking | ![]() |
![]() | VJ Enterprises Attn: Joshua & Vera Shapiro 9324 Home Court Des Plaines, IL 60016 TEL : (847) 699-8240 FAX: (847) 699-9701 | ![]() |
Last Modified by Sean/Illinois: 2/4/97